Program Sponsor:
An organization or individual that provides funding to support the TIC program in a classroom, but does not engage TIC students in other ways. Explore Funding for potential program sponsors. Program Partner: An organization or individual that actively engages TIC students in various presentations, lessons, and activities relating to the TIC program to help teachers achieve the highest rate of program success possible. There are many ways a program partner can help enhance your PA TIC experience and community connections! A partner may be interested in leading activities on PA TIC release days; providing outdoor educational field experiences; engaging students in local watershed projects; and exposing students to careers in environmental science, technology, engineering, and math (E-STEM). A recent survey of program partners statewide shows that almost 90% of partners take an active role within the classroom, with many partners visiting your school for a unique programming experience. Some partners, including Trout Unlimited chapters, may be willing to help provide funds for equipment or classroom excursions. |
Made possible through a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom (PA TIC) is an interdisciplinary environmental education program in which students learn about current and past impacts, management, and protection and enhancement opportunities of Pennsylvania's coldwater resources, while raising trout in the classroom.
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