Students will:
These varying roles of vital local support can often be broken down into three categories, with one role sometimes intersecting with another:
TIC Program Teacher: A formal educator or teacher at a formal educational institution (e.g., public school, charter school, private school, etc.) that implements TIC in their own 3rd-12th grade classroom(s), typically in collaboration with a TIC program partner(s). TIC Program Partner: An organization or individual that actively engages TIC students in various presentations, lessons, and activities relating to the TIC program. Explore Program Partners to learn more about the program partner's role in TIC and to find a potential partner in your local area. TIC Program Sponsor: An organization or individual that provides funding to support the TIC program in a classroom, but does not engage TIC students in other ways. Explore Funding for guidance on program sponsors. |
Made possible through a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom (PA TIC) is an interdisciplinary environmental education program in which students learn about current and past impacts, management, and protection and enhancement opportunities of Pennsylvania's coldwater resources, while raising trout in the classroom.
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